silence game

The Silence Game

Constant noise can create irritability, frustration, confusion, or maybe sleepiness. Everyone goals moments of peace to rest our our our bodies and to pay attention to our thoughts. Dr. Montessori says that a deeper degree of attention and sensitivity to noise can help is to enter into a “more diffused and subtle world”. Montessori therefore came up with the “Silence Game” or “The Exercise of Silence”.

During this lesson, the kids with inside the beauty can choose to participate with inside the making of the silence. In order to “make silence”, the child want to have self control, they want to emerge as privy to everything in their our our bodies that could move, and they want to want to cooperate with folks that are silent spherical them.

But in advance than the kids can also additionally even play the game, the child want to have advanced pinnacle coordination of movement, they want to have a strong will, they want to have a fantastic attention of themselves and of others, and they want to have professional some silence in advance than. When the kids do create silence, they may now no longer best have skilled a second of peace and tranquility, but they will want to play it again and again again!

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