Lacing Frame

Invite a child to come by telling them you have something to show them. Have the child bring the appropriate dressing frame and have them place it on a specific spot on the table you will be working at. Have the child sit down first, and then you sit down to the child’s right. Tell […]

The Silence Game

Constant noise can create irritability, frustration, confusion, or maybe sleepiness. Everyone goals moments of peace to rest our our our bodies and to pay attention to our thoughts. Dr. Montessori says that a deeper degree of attention and sensitivity to noise can help is to enter into a “more diffused and subtle world”. Montessori therefore […]

Wet Mopping

When a water spill occurs, invite a child to come by telling them you are going to show them how to mop up the water. Preparation Walk over to where the mop and the mop bin are located. Hold the bin by the holding the handle with your right hand. Carry the bin over to […]

Zip Frame

Invite a child to come by telling them you have something to show them. Have the child bring the appropriate dressing frame and have them place it on a specific spot on the table you will be working at. Have the child sit down first, and then you sit down to the child’s right. Tell […]

Carrying a Mat

Presentation Prepare all materials before. (Place rolled mat on the ground.) Invite 3-4 children to come participate in your lesson by telling them you have something to show them. Show each child where exactly to sit and once the children are seated, you sit so that you can see them all, they all can see […]

Locks and Keys

Presentation Take the work to a table or mat. If at a table, unroll a table mat. Arrange the locks on the mat under the basket. Take the first lock and select one of the keys from the basket. See if the key works with the lock. If it does, unlock the lock and leave […]

Turning the pages of a Book

Prepare a toddler’s desk and area a book on it. Place a chair to take a seat down on in the back of the desk. Invite 3-four kids to return back take part to your lesson with the aid of using telling them you’ve got got some thing to expose them. Show every toddler in […]

Snap Frame

Presentation Invite a infant to return back with the aid of using telling them you’ve got got some thing to expose them. Have the kid deliver the precise dressing body and feature them area it on a selected spot at the desk you’ll be running at. Have the kid take a seat down down first, […]

Carrying a Table

Prepare a toddler’s desk with enough area round it.  Ask one of the older kids to return back display with you the way to bring a desk. Because the older toddler will recognize the way to bring a desk, this lets in the alternative kids to look the moves of the 2 human beings sporting […]

Opening Bottles

Presentation Invite 1 child to include you to tell him that you have something to reveal to him. Tell the kid to convey the basket of bottles to a particular desk. Have the younger infant take a seat down down earlier than you. For selecting the primary bottle, location the basket in which the kid […]

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